
Released: Sam's Story

Season 1
After serving 26 years of a 29-to-life sentence for first-degree murder, Sam returns to a world that has changed a great deal since he was incarcerated.

Having witnessed and suffered abuse in his home as a child, Sam internalized that violence as a young man and turned to a life of drugs, violence and crime. While he was serving out his sentence at San Quentin State Prison, a visit from his wife and children sparked a newfound purpose deep within him.

"They was leaving one day," Sam says, "and my daughter grabbed my hand. She said, 'Daddy, this time you're coming home with us.' And that bust something inside of me open." Sam started registering in programs to turn his life around and began to heal emotional wounds.

Sam credits his wife for having the strength to hold his family together while he was away. Although he knows he will never get those 26 years back, he plans to make the most of his time with his loving, supportive family. "I want to leave my kids a real legacy," Sam says. "I just want to first get back into just being me with my family."

Tune in to the premiere of Released September 30 at 10/9c—only on OWN.

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