
Released: Jermaine's Story

Season 1
Nineteen years after being convicted of second-degree murder and attempted murder stemming from a domestic altercation, Jermaine finds himself tasked with re-entering a world that has changed significantly since when he was first imprisoned. A former high school football star and class president, Jermaine grew up in a supportive two-parent household, something he acknowledges that he was unable to provide his own children because of his incarceration. "That was probably the hardest thing for me: being away from my kids," he says.

When Jermaine was first incarcerated, he had to leave behind his three children, who were ages 3, 2 and 1 at the time. They grew up and became adults without their father. Jermaine missed out on all of those important, formative moments in their young lives. Now, he hopes he can reclaim some of the time he lost with his children by being a part of his young grandson's life. "I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my family," Jermaine says.

Despite spending nearly two decades behind bars, Jermaine is optimistic about the new opportunities that await him on the outside. "I've been in here for 19 years. Society has changed. That's something that I have to be aware of and have to look forward to: having to adjust and adapt to returning into a society that's very much different than the one I left. Which will be a challenge—one that I look forward to."

Tune in to the premiere of Released September 30 at 10/9c—only on OWN.

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