
Bruce Tries to Bond with His Teenage Kids After His Release from Prison

Season 1 Episode 106
Aired on 11/04/2017 | CC
After 15 years in prison, Bruce has finally come home to two teenage children who barely know him: Quantavius and Tatiana. In an attempt to build a relationship with them, he takes them to lunch and opens up about his past mistakes.

"I made a mistake," Bruce says. "It ain't no excuse for what I did. You know what I mean. I didn't do what I should have done. You know what I mean. I'm looking forward to now just, you know, building a bond with y'all, man."

Here, Bruce reveals how he regrets having been an absent dad and wonders whether he will ever be able to make up for the time he lost.

Tune in to Released Saturdays at 10/9c—only on OWN.