Mickey Wright Jr., better known as Memphitz, found himself at the pinnacle of the music industry at exactly the right time: he worked as a rising executive under L.A. Reid and founded his own record label under Jive Records. He also helped establish some of today's most influential artists, including Nicki Minaj and T-Pain. After being falsely accused of domestic violence by former girlfriend, K. Michelle, Mickey was ostracized by his record label and the music industry. Eventually, his accuser recanted, but it was far too late to undo the damage done to his reputation, career and marriage. Having lost everything and without the required love and support, Mickey began to self-medicate using a cocktail of drugs. With her only son's life spiraling out of control, Mickey's mother, Francis, wrote in to Iyanla in hopes of getting clarity around Mickey's struggles and help to get his life back on track.