
Iyanla Reviews Nate Berkus' Designs: "Throw Me on the Floor and Let Me Hoot"

Aired on 11/29/2014 | CC
Oprah has enlisted designer Nate Berkus to make over Iyanla Vanzant's new 7,000-square-foot home, and his team has been working on both coasts to make her house a true home. Now, it's time for Nate to present Iyanla with his visions.

As they're reviewing inspiration boards, a certain color that pops up in multiple rooms could bring everything to a screeching halt. "I'm not a blue person," Iyanla says. But one use of the color thrills her to no end. "Throw me on the floor and let me hoot!" she exclaims. See what it is in the video above, and find out which other design decisions make Iyanla jump with glee.

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