
The Spiritual Moment That Sobered Up Smokey Robinson

Season 5 Episode 502
Aired on 11/01/2015 | CC
When music icon Smokey Robinson was 40 years old, he began abusing drugs. For two and a half years, he says he was on a drug trip that left him looking like a walking corpse. One night, a friend of Smokey's showed up at his door and asked if he could pray for him. The next morning, he took Smokey to a little storefront church for some spiritual guidance.

When Smokey walked in, he was an addict. When he walked out, he says he was a free man.

After watching the female minister lay her hands on parishioners in need of healing, Smokey was called to the front of the church. "She takes me in her arms—like she's my mom or something," he says. "[And she said,] 'I didn't call your name because most of the people here probably don't even recognize you, you look so bad.' So, I'm thinking to myself, 'Okay fine, I look bad I know it.'"

Smokey says the minister then told him that the Lord sent him there, and she knew he was coming. "She said, 'Yes, I was in prayer about a year ago. Your name came out of my mouth, and I stopped, I said, 'Lord, I don't know him.' The Lord said, 'I want you to pray for him because if you don't, he's going to OD on cocaine and weed,'" Smokey says. "She prayed for me...and she passed out."

In the above video, Smokey reveals how this moment helped him break free from addiction and inspired him to speak about his struggle all over the world.

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