
The Playful Side of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Season 6 Episode 608
Aired on 01/15/2017 | CC
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is often characterized by his more serious traits of bravery, determination and leadership. Around his close friends, however, the minister and activist also displayed a warm sense of humor, according to U.S. Rep. John Lewis.

Rep. Lewis says Dr. King was "like a big brother" to him, and that included teasing the future congressman. "He would say things like, 'John, do you still preach?' And I said, 'Dr. King, when I'm taking a shower.' And he thought it was so funny. He would just laugh," Rep. Lewis recalls. "And on occasion when we would be traveling in Alabama or someplace in Mississippi, you'd see a little hole-in-the-wall café or restaurant. He would say things like, 'We should stop and get something to eat. If we get arrested and go to jail, we go on a full stomach.' And he thought it was so funny."

Watch as Rep. Lewis reflects on his late friend's "heart of gold."

Tune in to Oprah's Master Class, with U.S. Rep. John Lewis, on Monday, January 15, at 10/9c.