The Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Elizabeth Lesser, the Rev. Ed Bacon and Oprah

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Michael says Sedrick has been using the drama of unpaid bills for excitement. "It appears as though your mantra has been, 'I have drama, therefore, I am,'" Michael says. "Instead of: 'I am, therefore, I think, therefore I can live this life as an adventure.' And it appears as though you've internalized the lack of self-appreciation."

For Sedrick to overcome his past, Michael believes Sedrick should learn self-appreciation by writing down some meaningful goals for what he wants to accomplish in life. "Then write down one thing that you can do in each of those areas—just one little thing so that you can develop some kind of momentum," he says. "Serve an apprenticeship to self-love and appreciation. Forgive yourself and realize you don't have to have drama to feel alive and excited."

Sedrick says that prior to being on the show he didn't grasp all that was happening in his life. "Since watching most of the guests on here today and listening to what you guys have to say, I think I'm going to leave here with a renewed vision," Sedrick says. "So I'm getting it."