Oprah says her recent conversation about hormone replacement therapy is controversial and can be confusing. "We're going to keep talking about it in upcoming shows," she says.

Even Gayle isn't sure what to do to counteract the side effects of menopause. "I even got the name of a doctor," Gayle says. "But I still can't pick up the phone and call."

Debbie from Missouri wrote to Oprah after learning more about hormones on The Oprah Show.

In the e-mail, she says, "I watched and cried and cried. ... I am 51 and have been going through all that: hot flashes, sleepless nights, fatigue, feeling vulnerable, sad and in general not feeling well every day of my life for the last six years and more. Finally, I feel like I am not crazy or losing my mind."

"You have to do your research and know what you are asking for," Oprah says.

Find out more about hormone replacement therapy