The Sound of Music rowboat scene

Photo: Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox

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Kym Karath, the actress who played little Gretl, will never forget the day they filmed the rowboat scene. When the children toppled into the water with their governess, Kym was the only cast member who couldn't swim. "I was scared to death," she says.

Originally, director Robert Wise considered a stunt double, but Kym says he changed his mind. "Robert Wise liked things to be extremely authentic, so they asked if I would be a trooper, and I said yes," she says.

Julie was assigned to catch Kym as she fell out of the boat, but that was easier said than done.
"I went over the back of the boat," Julie says. "I've never done the breast stroke or the crawl or whatever it was so fast in my life."

Kym went under for a moment and swallowed a lot of water, which she says she then vomited all over Heather Menzies-Urich, the actress who played Louisa.