Kieran passes out food in Cambodia.

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While the kids are having fun, Tom and Anne also want to teach them the value of serving others. So they have volunteered in different locales, teaching English to Chinese students and feeding children in India and Cambodia.

"We put a lot of focus on serving children around the world, and that helps the kids really see what life is like for kids in China, Cambodia, India, in places where it makes them really appreciate all the great things that they have," Tom says.

Fourteen-year-old Dax says his travels have taught him an important lesson—you don't need stuff to be happy. "In China, you have people living in the city, kind of in the poor areas, and they're still just happy. They help you out, talk to you."

Dax's little brother McKane says he noticed the same thing. "They have so little. They have, like, a rock and a stick, yet they're just so happy, and it's like impossible to disappoint them," he says. "They're just amazing."