
Oprah greets the audience before she begins taping Exclusive: Wrongfully Accused of Murdering His Parents—A Son Is Set Free.
Dean, Dr. Oz, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Oprah

Dean helps prepare the stage during Dr. Oz: What Really Happens to Your Brain During a Stroke. Dr. Oz and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor get ready to examine what's under the blue cloth—the brains of stroke victims!
Dean and Oprah

Dean helps Oprah deal with a heel malfunction before The Best Money Lessons You Can Teach Your Child.
Oprah and her makeup artist

Oprah's makeup artist powders her nose during a commercial break.
Oprah and Dean

Oprah and Dean have a laugh while the crew gets ready to begin taping Young Millionaire Moguls: Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen.

Oprah stays after taping ends to chat with the audience after the show.