
Steve Harvey: "Stop Telling Your Big Dreams to Small-Minded People"

Season 4 Episode 408
Aired on 09/07/2014 | CC
From the time he was 8 years old, Lifeclass viewer Don knew he had a gift for impressions. Impersonating people like Elvis Presley and John Wayne, Don had a talent for making people laugh and performed at comedy clubs when he was first married. Although he had success in the clubs, he needed to make more money when he had children and lost sight of his dream. Now that his children are grown, 52-year-old Don wants to give comedy another shot but isn't sure how to overcome his fears and self-doubt.

If anyone understands Don's situation, it's comedian Steve Harvey. While working to become a successful stand-up comic, Steve lived in his car for two years. "Everything I've ever done started with a fear," he says.

In the video above, Steve says there are three steps Don can take to make his dream a reality. The first is to know your gift. The second is to be clear about your vision. The third, Steve says, is to surround yourself with other dreamers. "If seven of your friends smoke, you're going to be no. eight if you stay with that circle of friends," he says. "You've got to surround yourself with like-minded people. See, stop telling your big dreams to small-minded people."

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