In front of a live studio audience, Oprah is joined by Maria Shriver for a discussion about Maria's groundbreaking HBO documentary, Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert. In association with The Shriver Report, the film tells the moving story of a year in the life of Katrina Gilbert, a 30-year-old mother of three, who works as a certified nursing assistant. Her daily struggles illuminate the challenges faced by millions of women living at or below the poverty line despite being employed. Oprah and Maria also speak with other families on the brink of economic devastation, exposing one of the most challenging situations facing Americans today.

Maria Shriver

Why Women on the Brink Matter
With 70 percent of minimum wage jobs being held by women, Maria Shriver is pushing to reform the way businesses and the government support families struggling to make it to the next paycheck. Watch as Maria explains why talking about this problem is the first step to fixing it.

Maria Shriver, Katrina Gilbert, and Oprah Winfrey

How Katrina Sees Herself After the Documentary
Katrina is a single mother working full-time as a certified nursing assistant for just $9.49 an hour. For a year, cameras captured her day-to-day struggles to pay bills, manage illnesses and raise her three young children on an annual salary of roughly $18,000. Watch as Katrina explains how watching the HBO documentary has changed how she sees herself as a mother.

Tisha and Timothy Cox

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
For many, education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Timothy Cox has to support six children with the money he earns from his construction job, which according to his wife, Tisha, brings in only $2,500 in a good month. However, find out why Tisha says they've already broken the pattern of poverty for their family. Plus, Timothy gets emotional about his wife's perseverance in pursuing a master's degree.

Gina, Maria Shriver and Oprah Winfrey

A Mother Losing Hope
As a 46-year-old single mother, Gina works three jobs and sometimes more than 70 hours a week. Yet, she is still scraping by on $26,000 a year. When Oprah asks whether she is able to envision a way out of poverty, Gina tearfully admits that she can't. Watch as she explains why she's keeping faith that one day she can hope for better.


Why This Veteran Didn't Ask for Help
At 44, Terry says she's recently pulled herself away from the brink of poverty, but the struggles this Air Force veteran and single mother faced still remain fresh in her mind. Watch as she explains why her pride prevented her from asking for help. Plus, Terry reveals what happened when she finally started using food stamps.


The New Faces of Poverty
Through her work on The Shriver Report's study "A Woman's Nation Pushes Back from the Brink," Maria Shriver discovered firsthand how many women live like Katrina Gilbert. Watch as Maria explains how those living on the edge of poverty don't fit the old stereotypes.


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