Opposite arm and leg raises

Photos: Michael E  

Opposite Arm and Leg Raises
With a weight in each hand, arms at your sides, and feet about shoulder-width apart, curl your left arm to your shoulder and then raise it overhead while simultaneously lifting your right leg until your thigh is parallel with the floor. Repeat on the other side. That's one repetition; repeat 20 times for one set.
Lateral arm raises

Photos: Michael E  

Lateral Arm Raises
A: Start with your knees bent, feet splayed, a weight in each hand, and arms hanging. 

B: Raise your arms straight out from your shoulders as you stand up on your toes, your heels about two inches off the ground. Return to starting position for one repetition; repeat 25 times for one set.
Jabs with eyes closed

Photos: Michael E  

Jabs with Eyes Closed
With legs apart, heels raised, arms bent, and hands with weights in front of your shoulders, close your eyes and throw a jab with your left arm to your right side. Bring your arm back and then throw a right jab to your left side. That's one repetition; repeat 20 times for one set.
Flies with bridges

Photos: Michael E  

Flies with Bridges
A: Start on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms with weights straight out from your shoulders. 

B: Raise your hips until your thighs and trunk are aligned while bringing your arms directly over your chest. Return to starting position for one repetition; repeat 25 times.
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.