When you trust and act on your intuition, you increase your self-esteem, build trust in yourself, and experience a profound sense of security that no relationship or amount of money will ever give you.

How to Listen to Your Intuition
  • Rev up your intuition by starting to use it for less important decision-making choices such as the right meal to eat or the best movie to see.
  • When making important decisions, get quiet and ask yourself for guidance. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and focus on a question. Notice any images, thoughts, sounds or feelings that occur to you.
  • Be willing to make mistakes in order to strengthen your relationship with your inner guidance system. As you learn to act on your intuition, act on the wisdom you receive, even if you're not sure whether or not it's the right direction.
  • Don't worry about making the "perfect" decision!
The Story: Eileen Fisher
This successful fashion designer connected with her inner voice and followed her dream to start her own business—with only $350 in her bank account!


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