The Starbucks Treat Gayle King Loves (and 4 More Favs)
O's editor-at-large Gayle King on her favorite Starbucks pastry, Ali Wentworth's show "Nightcap," and other things she's loving during December 2016.
By Gayle King
Joke's On Her
On my wish list this year: comfortable stilettos, low-calorie Cronuts, a really good new comedy. So three cheers for Nightcap, a series about the behind-the-scenes insanity at a late-night talk show. Conducting the crazy train is the show’s talent booker, Staci—played by Ali Wentworth, one of the funniest people I know—who has to keep celeb guests happy. Ali told me she was shameless in asking her famous friends to guest-star. So expect to see Kelly Ripa, Andy Cohen, and even Ali’s husband, Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos (“I threw him a bone,” she says), on their worst—and funniest—behavior when the series premieres November 16 on Pop.
From the December 2016 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine