Best Broadway Souvenir
I always have the entire cast from any production I'm in sign the show's poster. The Hamilton cast made fun of me for having them all hanging in my dressing room—but to me, it's a celebration of family. You may leave a show, but you never leave that family.

Best Mom Moment
The everyday things: bedtime prayers and breakfasts and baths. Those moments are even more important when you work a lot. The only question my kids ever ask me is, "Are you picking us up from school today?" So while I'm always trying to do big and wonderful things for them—birthday parties, holiday stuff—what really matters is their ability to take for granted that I'll be there when they walk out of class.

Best Little-Known Fact
I had spinal surgery to correct scoliosis when I was 16 years old. The only thing that scared me about the procedure was that it would make me two inches taller. At the time, I had a crush on a boy who was about my height—and I was worried that if I were taller than him, it would never happen!

Best Advice
Don't say no to yourself. The first few times I was asked to audition for the part of Angelica Schuyler in Hamilton, I turned it down. I was convinced I was too over-the-hill to play a Nicki Minaj–type rapper. When I finally showed up, the role was waiting for me. But I almost missed it.

Best Dream Role
Jazz singer Sarah Vaughan. She had the most beautiful voice ever created. I learned how to sing by imitating her.


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