Nate likes this deGournay wallpaper.

For years, wallpaper has gotten a bum rap. Now, Nate says, it's back. "I'm not talking about your grandmother's wallpaper," he says.

Instead, the newest wallpaper trends emphasize sophisticated patterns, contemporary designs, Old World craftsmanship and fabrics that simulate upholstered walls. One of Nate's favorite finds is this Japanese-inspired, handpainted wallpaper from deGournay.

Wallpaper that works for renters

Nate says this retro-patterned, black-and-white wallpaper is perfect for renters and kids' rooms that change often.

"Easy-walls" are breathable, eco-friendly and don't require any paste for hanging. Just wet the paper and apply. "When you're done with it, you just peel it off without damaging the wall. So if you need white walls again, you have them," Nate says. "You don't even have to repaint."

Add wallpaper decals to kids' rooms.

Nate has another wallpaper idea that offers a compromise when it comes to painting kids' rooms. If they want their room painted a crazy color, but you want something a little more toned down, Nate says to look for these wallpaper decals made by Wallies.

"Paint [the walls] the color you want. Then buy these," he says. "You wet them, and they go on the wall, and you can do whatever design you want. Isn't that cute?"

Chalkboard wallpaper decals

These decals, also made by Wallies, are painted with a chalkboard material. Finally, kids can draw on the walls without making Mom and Dad angry!

The decals are even portable—stick them to the wall, peel them off and stick them on again.

Paper simulates a tin ceiling.

Don't let the name fool you. Wallpaper isn't just for walls anymore. Oprah and Nate look up to see this "ceiling paper" from Graham & Brown that simulates Victorian tin ceilings.

Wallpaper that looks like wainscoting

Always wanted wainscoting? This wallpaper from Graham & Brown adds a three-dimensional, vintage look to walls. It simulates the style for a fraction of the price of carpentry.

Where to find the products featured on the show.