Sprig of mint

Photo: Thinkstock

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Find Luxurious-Looking Greens in Unexpected Places
Twenty peony stems would break the bank, but three can look just as abundant when surrounded by a thick collar of green. The trick is to line the neck of the vase with filler first and place bigger-faced flowers (like amaryllis or open roses) in the center, says Waga Perez. Baby's breath and waxed ferns (which usually come included with carnations) are grocery store signatures that make bouquets look bigger—but also cheapen the effect of your flowers. Pull those suckers out and add fresh mint (at left) or bay leaves from the produce aisle. Twigs, ivy or wild ferns can be found in your backyard and also act as excellent padding, says Mead.

Next: 5 small ways to give your bedroom a big boost