aries workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Aries - March 21 to April 19

Your sign in a nutshell: As an action-taking fire sign, you're quick and competitive and thrive in situations with an aggressive energy. Few things feel better to you than knowing you're surpassing your personal best—or the person next to you. So yeah, you're a little competitive.
The workout for you: Spin classes where you can beat your previous metrics or the metrics of everyone else. At Flywheel, the Torqboard display at the front of the studio tracks how much energy you're putting in and compares it with the rest of the class. (You can opt out of it, but as an Aries, you probably won't.) There's an even stronger us-against-them mentality at Swerve, an indoor cycling studio that pits different teams of bikes against one another, with mini challenges throughout class. You'd also enjoy treadmill classes like Equinox's Precision Running, where you work toward getting a little faster with every session.
taurus workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Taurus – April 20 to May 20

Your sign in a nutshell: Not one to overly exert yourself, you want to work out without feeling like you're working out, and that makes sense—for you, intense exercise can be tiring instead of energizing. You're best at graceful, dance-like movement in a relaxed environment.
The workout for you: Ballet-inspired classes like Ballet Beautiful or barre classes, where the focus is on small movements meant to make the body longer and leaner. You won't sweat buckets at either, but both will give you the type of movement that makes you feel best.
gemini workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Gemini – May 21 to June 20

Your sign in a nutshell: You hate monotony and gravitate toward workouts with a lot of variety. Friends play a big role—you're incredibly social and love to work out with other people. That helps counteract your sometimes inconsistent nature, because you'll show up if you know someone is waiting for you.
The workout for you: AcroYoga. This yoga variation involves working with a partner to get into poses ranging from simple to very complex, with you sometimes supporting their weight and vice versa. Working toward new poses will satisfy your need for change and your love of learning.
cancer workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Cancer – June 21 to July 22

Your sign in a nutshell: Cancers are the homebodies of the astrological world—they'd rather stay in than go to any fancy gym or studio. You tend to compare yourself to others, so gyms filled with hard bodies may not be good environments for you anyway. Fluid motion is best, and because of your love of routine and your consistent, tenacious nature, you're great at self-motivating.
The workout for you: Yoga DVDs that you can om to in the comfort of your living room, particularly flow-style workouts. There are endless options to choose from, and with your driven nature, you'll probably want to try them all. (Of course, with your connection to water, swimming is great for your sign, too.)
leo workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Leo – July 23 to August 22

Your sign in a nutshell: You like to see and be seen, so whenever there's a trendy new workout or high-end gym to try, you're the first one there. Appearance matters to you, and you work hard to keep your body looking the way you want it to. That extends to your workout clothes as well—old t-shirts are not in the rotation. You're excited by workouts that feel like fun instead of work, and the more people involved, the better.
The workout for you: Dance cardio classes at studios like AKT, Body by Simone, and Tracy Anderson. If workouts competed in a "most buzzed about" category, these would win the top prize. Celebrities and supermodels love them (look at any of the three studios Instagram accounts for a glimpse of the who's-who that sweat there). With routines that constantly change and music that never drops below dance-club decibels, these classes are fun and challenging. Some studios will let you stream classes, in case your city doesn't have a location.
virgo workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Virgo – August 23 to September 22

Your sign in a nutshell: Thanks to your strong practical side, you know that exercise is essential for a healthy body. But getting super-sweaty is not your idea of a good time, so you tend toward less-intense workouts that still keep you fit. You like discipline and structure. You're also capable of doing complex things with your body.
The workout for you: Pilates. It's all about slow and controlled movement, so it meets your need for discipline, and you'll be quick to grasp the many different positions. Don't forget to mix it up occasionally with more playful classes, though, like trampoline or trapeze sessions—Virgos often focus on function at the expense of fun.
libra workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Libra – September 23 to October 22

Your sign in a nutshell: You enjoy connecting with people while you work out, so sweating in a pair is ideal, especially because you're a very cooperative person. You're also willing to spend more money to go to the nicest gym or studio in town.
The workout for you: Social sports like tennis, where you can chat with your partner between points and head out for a victory drink afterward, high-end studios with group classes and a locker room dreams are made of, or, if you have the funds, a personal trainer—that one-on-one connection where you're both working toward the same goal makes the sessions feel more valuable to you, making you more likely to stick with your program. You can be a little indecisive as well (should I do squats or planks next? Or what about pushups?!), and having a trainer telling you exactly what to do will help ensure you get results from your workouts.
scorpio workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Scorpio – October 23 to November 21

Your sign in a nutshell: You value hard work and you take that attitude with you to the gym. The more effort you're putting in, the happier you are. You have a tendency to let frustrations build up, so forms of exercise where you can release whatever you're holding onto will help you find more balance.
The workout for you: Boxing. You will sweat until you could wring out your shirt. You don't have to get in the ring (though with your intense, brave nature, you might want to)—plenty of studios offer boxing classes where each client gets to punch away at their own hanging bag.
sagittarus workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21

Your sign in a nutshell: You've got an adventurous spirit with a conquer-the-world kind of energy. You love to travel and see new things, and you have a competitive streak.
The workout for you: CrossFit or similar high-intensity classes where the workout is always changing and making you reach for a new goal. When your schedule and budget allow, you'd also enjoy destination fitness, where you plan a trip around a race (say, a stay in Iceland that starts with a 10K in Reykjavik). Mud runs or obstacle-course races within driving distance also satisfy your desire to take in new scenery while you're getting your heart rate up.
capricorn workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Capricorn – December 22 to January 19

Your sign in a nutshell: You're disciplined and serious about your workouts, and you'll never be a no-show for a class you've signed up for. Exercise isn't a source of fun for you necessarily, but you do it anyway because you take the "your body is temple" saying to heart. You're great at exercising self-control, and you lean toward the solitary side—not antisocial necessarily, but when you're at the gym, you're there to work.
The workout for you: Pilates reformer classes, or megaformer classes like SLT. These classes are all about discipline, holding difficult poses for long periods of time and working with different levels of resistance until your muscles feel like they're on fire. Getting through them takes focus, so you won't be chatting with your neighbor.
aquarius workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Aquarius – January 20 to February 18

Your sign in a nutshell: You're fiercely independent and very all-or-nothing: You're either working out hard or you're not working out at all. You thrive in a group environment, and knowing that people are expecting you to be at a workout helps you stay on track with your exercise. You're a real humanitarian, and you'll go out of your way to support causes or institutions that matter to you.
The workout for you: November Project (free outdoor group bootcamps that are active in roughly 30 cities in the US and Canada) or group training organizations like Team in Training, where raising money to benefit specific causes is part of the program. The community will keep you coming back, as will the challenging workouts. At November Project, members are known to post tongue-in-cheek reprimands on social media about fellow members who fail to show up for a workout. How's that for motivation?
pisces workout

Illustration: Diana Hlevnjak/istockphoto

Pisces – February 19 to March 20

Your sign in a nutshell: You're a changeable water sign, so anything involving pools or the ocean appeals to you. You have an easygoing nature and don't relish strenuous activity—it can leave you drained instead of invigorated. Shape-shifting comes naturally to you, so classes with a dance-y feel are right up your alley. And with your artistic nature, music is nonnegotiable for your workouts. Without it, you get distracted.
The workout for you: Aqua Zumba. Thumping music, nonstop dancing, all happening in water? These classes fit you perfectly.