Breakfast: Oatmeal With Cocoa Powder and Walnuts
Why It Works: Oatmeal lowers cholesterol, and the polyphenols in unsweetened cocoa powder help to amplify oatmeal’s properties and also boost HDL (the good cholesterol). The connection between diet and libido here is better blood flow; healthy cholesterol levels means decreased likelihood of arterial blockages. Plaque build-up in the arteries reduces blood flow – including blow flow to the penis. Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, known to boost the brain’s "pleasure chemical," dopamine, and arginine, the amino acid that increases the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the chemical compound necessary to erections – it opens up the blood vessels to increase blood flow.

Lunch: Mushroom Beef Barley Soup
Why It Works: This lunch is designed to increase your testosterone, the most important hormone for a healthy libido. Beef is high in zinc, the ultimate sex mineral. Zinc blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. Certain mushrooms, like white button mushrooms, also block the conversion. Barley is a whole grain, which will keep you fuller longer, and less likely to snack or eat mindlessly later; the end result is feeling better about your body.

Snack: Celery With Peanut Butter
Why It Works: Raw celery contains androsterone, a male hormone that is thought to attract women. Once eaten, the hormone is released via the sweat glands. In addition, celery is a low-calorie food that also freshens your breath. Peanut butter is high in monounsaturated fats, which increase dopamine. Increasing dopamine can boost female sexual pleasure.

Next: The most satisfying entrée, and a delectable dessert


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