Curb Your Appetite
By Bob Greene
Eat every three to four hours
Your blood sugar won't have a chance to drop so low that you get famished and then binge.
Load up on foods high in fiber and water
They'll keep you full at a low-calorie cost.
Eat a combination of protein, fiber-rich carbs and fat
With these three building blocks in your menu, you can buy an extra hour of satiety. For example, if you eat a salad with no dressing, you'll just be hungry again.
Wait 20 minutes before having seconds or another course
That's how long it takes for your brain to receive the "full" signal. If you're in a restaurant, go somewhere else for dessert—by the time you get there, chances are you won't even want it.
Avoid being around food when it's not time to eat
We are programmed to react to the sight and smell of anything edible by wanting to consume it. So get it out of your house and walk right by that bakery.
Get some exercise
Some overeaters may have fewer pleasure receptors, which is why it takes more food for them to get the same satisfaction others get from eating less. Research, meanwhile, suggests that physical activity increases the brain's receptors for pleasure chemicals.
Try to resolve emotional issues that trigger you to eat
Find alternatives to eating that make you feel good, such as talking to friends, listening to music or planning a vacation.
Go to bed
Research has suggested a link between not getting enough sleep and being overweight. Good shut-eye helps prevent the disruption of some of the hormones that control appetite.
Published 01/01/2006