America's gold, silver and bronze medalists can jump higher, run faster and shoot farther than most people, but that doesn't mean they love hitting the gym every day.

Even Olympians say they dread the treadmill now and again. How do these men and women stay on track and stick to strict diets? Get their best fitness secrets!

You may never qualify for the Olympic Games, but you'll feel healthier and look better in no time.

"Take one step at a time. It doesn't happen overnight. Have goals and try to get into a routine."

— Jason Kidd, men's basketball

"You've got to really try to fit it around the kids and the schedule. Even if you could only get a little bit in, you don't have to commit to a full-on workout, but if you can only get in a few sit-ups while you're getting out of the shower or a little bit here and there, that every little bit helps."

— Gina Miles, equestrian

"Everyone knows this—stay away from the really bad foods—but you can still eat what you like. It's really just portion control is the main issue. I'm definitely not a skinny girl and probably a bigger volleyball player than normal, but I've just gotten to know my body and gotten to know what works for me."

— Lindsey Berg, women's volleyball

"Physical fitness is the number one key, not just for athletes but in general. I suggest people to get out there, walk, ride a bike, run a treadmill, eat right, do whatever they can to keep their body right because your body is the most important thing."

— Carmelo Anthony, men's basketball

"The most important thing is to get your heart really going. I think that's probably the most important muscle in your body, so get your heartbeat up and get a good sweat in, even in gymnastics."

— Jonathan Horton, men's gymnastics

"The average person feels like every day we athletes wake up and are like, 'Let's go to the gym! I can't wait to go work out!' Because, I mean, it's our job, but it's not like that. We have the same type of days that everyone does where it's like, 'I don't feel like going to the gym' or 'I'm tired. I don't want to go. Do I have to?' We're just like everyone else, so those days when you don't feel like doing it, but you do get up and you do it…you get done, and you feel great."

— Kara Lawson, women's basketball

"Enjoy it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Enjoy sweating and getting dirty, and feel good about it afterward."

— Diana Lopez, women's tae kwon do

"In weight training, mix it up. If you do a set of legs, do a set of arms while you're resting to maximize your heart rate. You get a lot more bang for your buck. … I love working out. A workout doesn't have to mean going to the gym. It could be just going on a trail with my fiancé and my dog."

— Natalie Coughlin, swimming

"Do something that makes you feel good—feeling healthy is the first step to looking healthy."

— Corey Cogdell, women's shooting

"Go to a gym that motivates you, hire a trainer or recruit friends—you need people who will hold you accountable. … Make goals, and set out to achieve them one at a time. Don't push too far too soon or you'll want to give up."

— Hyleas Fountain, women's track and field

"[Figure out] what suits your personality best. Then you'll do something you enjoy and love."

— Erinn Smart, fencing

"You have to find something you enjoy. There's no certain way to do anything. Ideally, I work better if I have someone to work out with. It's a matter of finding out what you like doing. Then it doesn't feel like work. … I'm obsessed with cereal. It's a really satisfying snack. Cheerios, Special K—they're a good substitute for chips."

— Margaret Hoelzer, swimming

"Just try to work out daily if you can, even if it's just for like 30 minutes. Just get it in. … A good workout makes me feel good, and when I sweat, it makes me feel like I did a lot, that I accomplished a lot."

— Sylvia Fowles, women's basketball

"For breakfast, [I eat] Swiss oatmeal with blueberries, strawberries, diced up green apples and some raisins, some cut almonds. Really good, really healthy."

— Tayyiba Haneef-Park, women's volleyball

"Working with horses, we do a lot of strength [training] just riding them and working around them, so I try to get in as much cardio as I can when I can—like running, the elliptical or just walking. I like to run outside if it's possible."

— Laura Kraut, equestrian

"I think the biggest thing is sticking to a training plan. Even though you don't feel like it that day, you should really get yourself up and out and break a sweat. Stick to what you're doing."

— Kevin Tan, men's gymnastics

"Do some type of cardio, whether it be walking, biking or doing a machine. For me, not only does it make my body to feel good … I feel better and have a lot more energy throughout the day."

— Katie Smith, women's basketball

"I like to run outside. I think that's a lot more effective than on the treadmill. [I run] three times a week, two miles. So it's not that much, but for gymnastics, we just need like a little endurance and strength. … [I listen to] something upbeat—Rhianna or Avril Lavigne."

— Nastia Liukin, women's gymnastics

"For breakfast, I eat oatmeal with honey and raisins, and I eat four boiled eggs and a protein shake and chicken sausage."

— Delisha Milton, women's basketball

"I do a lot of leg conditioning because my events are mostly leg events, so a lot of squats, a lot of plyometric work and running is definitely a big one. I hold two 25-pound weights—one in each hand—and have a yoga ball behind my back and do squats. Then, I hold in like a chair position. That's the killer."

— Alicia Sacramone, women's gymnastics

"Consistency is the best thing. You can go out and decide you're going to do 500 abs, and then the next day not do anything. I would just say stay consistent in your workout."

— Candace Parker, women's basketball