Your Morning Coffee Could Be Making You More Tired

Many of us turn to coffee or tea for a morning pick-me-up, but it could be the cause of your fatigue for two reasons. First, when consumed in excess, coffee causes a surge in your metabolism, followed by a crash. Second, caffeine has a dehydrating effect. When you wake up, you tend to already be dehydrated from not drinking water for hours. If you don't consume any other beverages, your coffee could cause further dehydration and drain your energy. The key is to drink caffeine in moderation and to drink a full 8-ounce glass of water around the same time as your morning cup of joe to stay hydrated.

Your Clothes May Be Too Comfy (and the Wrong Color)

Getting too comfortable may actually make you more tired. Baggy and stretchy clothing makes it much easier to slouch, which strains your joints and muscles as they work extra hard to distribute oxygen throughout your body. Dressing up not only prevents slouching, but also boosts confidence. Confidence, in turn, tends to improved posture, allowing for healthy breathing.

The color of your clothing may also be tiring you out. Dark colors like black, navy and brown stimulate the secretion of melatonin—the chemical that makes you sleepy. The good news is that studies show there are many colors to keep you energized. White clothes suppress sleep-inducing melatonin and boost serotonin—the feel-good chemical in your brain. Red is good for an aggressive kind of energy. It's also been shown to increase blood flow and stimulate adrenal glands. Yellow has been proven to stimulate the brain, build self-confidence, and encourage optimism.

Next: Unexpected ways to perk up
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.


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