jillian michaels dvd

Jillian Michaels: Kickbox FastFix
The Queen of Lean and former Biggest Loser trainer delivers a blend of fast-paced kicks, jabs, and dumbbell exercises.

Includes: Cardio and strength
jane fonda dvd

Jane Fonda Prime Time: Trim Tone & Flex
If the thought of trying fitness fads like P90X induces dread, take heart: The home-workout doyenne has launched a series for the rest of us. Leg warmers optional.

Includes: Strength
ballet beautiful dvd

Ballet Beautiful
Mary Helen Bowers, a former New York City Ballet dancer who trained Natalie Portman for Black Swan, invites those seeking the toned, elongated muscles of a dancer to step up to the barre.

Includes: Strength and stretching
dancing with the stars dvd

Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance for Weight Loss
One small pleasure of the samba, salsa, and swing routines on this quick-paced DVD, inspired by the ABC show, is dancing your heart out without a national audience.

Includes: Cardio
exhale dvd

Exhale: Core Fusion Cardio Pure Intensity
Downward dog meets mountain climbers (thigh-quaking knee pumps) in the first cardio DVD of this popular series based on yoga and other flexibility-focused disciplines.

Includes: Cardio and Stretching
yoga dvd

Tara Stiles: This Is Yoga
The unconventional yogi, who counts Deepak Chopra as a devotee, shot this accessible, encyclopedic series on Malibu beaches and Los Angeles rooftops.

Includes: Stretching

Next: Dr. Oz's 20-minute workout