Grocery Shop in 34 Minutes
Most of us spend more than an hour grocery shopping. Here's how to cut that time in half.
By Lynn Andriani
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Erin Gifford, who is a spokesperson for ZipList, a grocery-list and recipe tool, food shops for her seven-person household every week in just 35 minutes. She pretty much has her weekly routine down to a science—she goes to the same store at 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays, when she knows it'll just be her and the people who restock the shelves (bonus: later in the week is also when you'll find the best deals). If weekday mornings aren't an option for you, try weeknights, after dinner—that's when Jess Dang, who founded the meal-planning service Cook Smarts, shops. And one more reason to avoid weekends: A Time Use Institute study found that people spend seven minutes longer in grocery stores on Saturdays and Sundays than they do on weekdays.
Published 04/01/2014