6 Things to Do as Soon as You Unload Your Groceries
These smart tips will help you make the most of your supermarket haul.
By Lynn Andriani
Say Farewell to Carrot Tops
We admit to being suckers for beets or carrots with their greens attached—vegetables with their leaves attached are just more appealing than ones that are naked in the bag. Here's the thing about those greens, though: They sap moisture from the roots (aka the beets or carrots), causing them to dry out and soften more quickly. So, says Heather Crosby, author of YumUniverse Pantry to Plate, unless you plan to use the vegetables within a day or two, remove the greens as soon as you unpack the vegetables (just snap and twist, and they'll come right off). Save the leaves for vegetable stock, soups, smoothies and salads (you can even turn them into a delicious stuffing for chicken), storing them as you would mixed greens or herbs for two to three days.
Published 02/07/2016