Day 82
Make a decision about what song is your song.

What song really speaks to you and expresses how you feel right now? Is there a song you could call your anthem? What does it say about you? Why do you love it? Is there more then one song that speaks to you?

Write in your journal the lyrics to the song (if there are lyrics). Spend some time reflecting on the song and about why it speaks to you.

Allow music to help you learn about yourself through sound, tempo and feeling.

Day 83
Make the day about exploring new music.

Ask friends who they listen to and who they like, and explore some of the recommendations.

This is about stretching out and discovering new music that may become some of your favorites. You will also learn a lot about your friends as they share what speaks to their hearts.

Day 84
Make a plan to hear and see music played live.

Hearing and seeing music played live is so wonderful. Perhaps there is a free concert at a local college, a trio playing in a park, a cellist playing in the subway or an upcoming Dixie Chicks concert.

However you choose to hear live music, remember it is a gift to yourself.

Enjoy and remember: Life is a song, so sing along!

Day 85
Make a list of the music you loved this week.

Create a reference library of sorts so you can find the music when you need it.

Please continue to bring music into your life everyday.

"There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it."
Minnie Aumonier

When I read this quote, I am reminded that music is not only found when we listen to bands, orchestras and trios, but also in nature. Please find music everywhere you go.

More from Sandra Magsamen


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