Vintage suitcases

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Old Suitcases
"There's a growing trend for vintage suitcases, especially the leather ones or the very early plastic models," says van der Vorst. This particular market is very focused on brands; buyers look for early pieces from Louis Vuitton, Mulberry and Burberry. But if the gorgeous cognac brown leather case your grandparents used to take on vacation is not covered in LVs, you can still get a good price for it as long as it's in good shape on the outside. The lining doesn't even have to be in perfect condition, nor do the locks, although the fewer the flaws the better. As for plastic, aspiring Betty Drapers and Pan Am enthusiasts alike will flock to a retro hard-shell piece that you've always found too clumsy to take to the airport. Here brand names are less important; it's the modern look that collectors covet. A designer leather piece without exterior damage can go for as much as $30,000, while less-known brands sell for $200 to $400. Plastic suitcases in good condition fetch up to $2,000.