During the decade that followed the Holyfield fight, Mike's life was marred by drug abuse, two other divorces and financial ruin. He filed for bankruptcy in 2003 and pled guilty to felony drug possession and driving under the influence in 2007.

Mike's darkest days were brightened by his children. After years of partying all night, gambling and doing every drug imaginable, Mike says his family inspired him to stay in rehab and get clean.

"I realized I was just going to die if I didn't settle down with my wife," he says. "I was [in] really deep. I was taking the drug dealers' money and not paying them their money. I told them to tell their boss to come get the money. Oh, man. I'm just so embarrassed."

Once he hit bottom, Mike says he knew he had to change his life or run the risk of destroying his family. "I didn't want to go down that road anymore," he says. "I know what it's like to be down that dark road and meet the devil and hang out with him for a while."

The children are now Mike's main focus. "I'm glad that I'm married, and I have a wife to go through life with me and understands that this is my priority in life," he says. "I have to take care of these babies now."


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