The Chelstone Health Clinic tries to prevent the transmission of HIV between mothers and children.

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The Chelstone Health Clinic treats pregnant women who have contracted HIV/AIDS. Located in a resource-poor community of Lusaka, Zambia, Chelstone is one of the few clinics in Zambia providing what's known as "prevention-of-Mother-to-Child-Transmission (pMTC)." With pMTC, expectant mothers and their newborns are given nevirapine, a drug that significantly lowers the infant's risk of infection at birth.

Chelstone also provides the life-saving anti-retroviral drugs to HIV positive parents, enabling them to stay alive long enough to raise their children.

Dr. Moses Sinkala, Director of the Chelstone Health Clinic, has a mission. "We're trying to keep the mothers alive, the fathers alive, and the family intact." To achieve this goal, Chelstone's multi-disciplinary teams also provide counseling and promote healthy behavior to enhance the entire family's well being.