10 Attention-Getting Gems Under $50
Great jewelry at affordable prices for the holiday season.
One of these sparkly cuffs is chic; a stack of two is downright decadent.
JLo by Jennifer Lopez, Macy's; 800-622-9748
JLo by Jennifer Lopez, Macy's; 800-622-9748
Hot pink chandelier earrings stand out next to dark hair.
Robert Rose, Dillard's; 800-345-5273
Robert Rose, Dillard's; 800-345-5273
A magnifying glass on an intricate chain could have been passed down from your grandmother.
These modern disks rimmed with rhinestones are the dressed-up version of gold hoops.
Sheila Fajl; HSN.com
Sheila Fajl; HSN.com
An elegant crystal bracelet is always appropriate for evening.
Liz Claiborne New York; LizClaiborne.com
Liz Claiborne New York; LizClaiborne.com
These faux-emerald earrings unclip in two places, turning one stunning pair into three.
Monet, Macy's; 800-622-9748
Monet, Macy's; 800-622-9748
More Gorgeous Holiday Style
From the December 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine