13 Things All Smart Shoppers Know
Even if you love it, shopping can be grueling: pushy salespeople, mountains of merchandise, hideously lit dressing rooms. Luckily, Adam Glassman knows how to make the process practically painless.
Plan Your Attack
Assess Your Closet A few questions to ask yourself: "What do I need? Do I have eight printed blouses but only one neutral skirt, or vice versa? What three things do I feel best in, and what do they have in common (shape, color, fit)?" And finally, "What have I not worn in the past year?"
Fuel Up Don't shop when you're hungry, tired, or in a bad mood. Bring a bottle of water and snacks to keep your energy up, and wear comfortable shoes.
Enlist Help Ask a salesperson or a personal shopper to give you a heads-up about sales. If you're shopping online, look for promo codes before purchasing (a couple of good sites: RetailMeNot and Coupon Sherpa).
Primp Shopping is more fun when you look your best, so fix your hair and makeup. You'll be checking yourself out in the mirror all day.
Fuel Up Don't shop when you're hungry, tired, or in a bad mood. Bring a bottle of water and snacks to keep your energy up, and wear comfortable shoes.
Enlist Help Ask a salesperson or a personal shopper to give you a heads-up about sales. If you're shopping online, look for promo codes before purchasing (a couple of good sites: RetailMeNot and Coupon Sherpa).
Primp Shopping is more fun when you look your best, so fix your hair and makeup. You'll be checking yourself out in the mirror all day.
From the April 2015 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine