woman concentrating

Photo: Thinkstock

Save 25 Minutes
Don't stop to pick up a phone call, answer e-mail, or carry on a conversation if you're in the middle of a task. Some research has found that it can take us 20 minutes or more to regain the same level of concentration after an interruption.

Just as a food diary helps you stick to your diet by offering a healthy dose of self-awareness, time-tracking software can keep you focused by revealing how many minutes you've devoted to applications and Web sites on your computer. For Macs, we like TrackTime (GetTrackTime.com; $25); PC users will want to try ManicTime (ManicTime.com; free).

Photo: Thinkstock

Save 20 Minutes
To combat indecision—one of the most insidious time wasters—plan your schedule three days ahead, which is as far out as most of us can contemplate without feeling overwhelmed. If you're waiting until the last minute to decide to cook breakfast or head to the gym, you won't be prepared to do either.

Photo: Thinkstock

Save 15 Minutes
Cut out time spent wrestling with easily tangled wire hangers by replacing them with wooden, acrylic, or fabric versions, and end drawn-out wardrobe decisions by grouping clothes by occasion (dressy, weekend, work) and color.
disorganized makeup

Photo: Thinkstock

Save 5 Minutes
Instead of wasting time digging through your messy makeup bag, limit yourself to the eight products you use most often and stash them in your medicine cabinet for instant access.

Next: 17 shortcuts to get you out the door faster