Hey, we're all in favor of dreaming big, but sometimes big dreams start with the tiniest seed of an idea. You take a breath, you change a word, you shift your weight, you think small. Really small! In a world of grand ideas and enormous appetites and huge plans, here's hoping that these eight little articles speak volumes.

ArgumentHow to Diffuse a Fight
The art of making a molehill out of a mountain.
Change One Word
What a difference the right language tweak can make.

$100 and a Dream 
How to turn a modest gift into a dozens of changed lives.
How Small Can Be Huge
What Oprah knows for sure about small gestures.

4 Mini Workouts 
If you think only epic workouts produce results, think again.
Mini Miracles 
Check out these four teeny life-changing innovations.

Small Money Steps from Suze 
...that will pay off big.
Joys of a Small Apartment 
How to go from teeny to massive and still keep things cozy.

The O List
6 teeny gadgets that made the cut.
Small Changes, Big Results
A little list of tiny but powerful life tweaks that will make you happier and healthier.


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