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Struggling with the loss of a loved one? Get advice on how to deal with your emotions and embrace the magical and mystical experience of death.
In the past few months, two important people in my life have passed away, both somewhat suddenly. These deaths have been shocking, sad and painful for me. And, in the midst of my sadness, I've once again been reminded of the mystery and magic that I often experience when someone close to me dies.

I find death so mysterious because it doesn't make much rational sense and often seems so random and unfair. I also find it frustrating that we don't do a very good job in our culture of talking about, dealing with or embracing death. It's seen by most of us as a universally bad thing—awful, tragic, painful, hard and negative in most cases. While all of these things can be and often are true, it's especially terrible when the person who dies is someone we love and care about and/or someone we consider "too young to die" (Kevin was just 32 years old).

As I've also experienced while grieving at many other times in my life, there can be a great deal of magic, beauty and joy that comes from death. Because we often avoid it, don't want to talk about it or would rather not deal with it (unless we are forced to do so), we miss out on the magical and positive aspects of death, and in doing so, we aren't able to live our lives as deeply and with as much freedom as we could if we fully embraced death.

Why We Avoid Dealing with Death
There are many reasons we avoid dealing with or talking about death. From what I've seen and experienced, here are some of the main reasons:
  • It can be very painful, sad and scary
  • We often aren't taught or encouraged to really deal with it—just to simply follow the "rules" and rituals of our family, religion or community in order to get through it
  • We don' know what to say, how to react and don't want to upset people
  • It can be overwhelming for many of us to consider our own death or the deaths of those close to us
  • We aren't comfortable experiencing or expressing some of the intense emotions that show up for us around death
  • Our culture is so obsessed with youth, beauty and production (in a superficial sense), death is seen as the ultimate "failure"—the complete absence of beauty, health and productivity
  • It challenges us to question life, reality and our core beliefs at the deepest level
For these and many other reasons, death is one of the biggest taboo subjects in our culture and remains in the darkness of our own lives on a personal level. Sadly, not dealing with, talking about or facing death in a real way creates a deep level of disconnection, fear and a lack of authenticity in our lives and relationships.

    Experience the positive, magical side of death

    Couple hugging
    Photo: Comstock/Jupiterimages/Thinkstock
    What if we embraced death, talked about it—shared our thoughts, feelings, questions and concerns about it—with the people around us? While for some this may seem uncomfortable, undesirable or even a little weird, think how liberating it would be if we were willing to face death directly.

    One of the highlights of my life was being in the room with my father and holding his hand when he took his last breath. It was incredibly sad, but at the same time deeply intimate, personal and beautiful. He was there when I came into the world, and I got to be there when he left. And, by facing death in a direct way, we can learn so much about life and ourselves, as I did when my dad died when I was 27 years old. As one of my mentors said to me years ago, "Mike, if you live your life each day more aware of your own death, you will live very differently." This is true for all of us.

    There are so many beautiful lessons that death teaches us, even in the midst of the pain, loss, confusion, anger and fear. When we're willing to embrace death and remember that everyone and everything in physical form will eventually die, we're reminded to:
    • Appreciate ourselves, each other and life—right now
    • Let go of our attachment to other people's opinions, our obsession with appearances and our self-consciousness about many aspects of our lives
    • Connect to others in a deep, profound, intimate and vulnerable way
    • Speak up, go for what we truly want and live in the present moment
    • Be grateful for what we have and for life as it is, not someday when things work out perfectly (which never happens anyway)
    Death can be one of the greatest teachers for us in life, but not if we spend most of our time avoiding it because it can be painful, scary and uncomfortable. Take a moment right now to think about some of the important people who have died in your life. What did you learn from them both through their life and their death? What gifts have you been given in the form of tragedy in your life? How could embracing death more fully effect your life in a positive and important way?

    As we consider these and other questions about death, it's obvious that the answers aren't simple and easy...neither is life. However, when we're willing to engage, embrace and deal with death (and life) with a true sense of empathy, passion and authenticity, we're able to not only make it, but to actually learn, grow and thrive—regardless of the circumstances and even in the face of death.

    How to help a loved one who's mourning

    Mike Robbins is a best-selling author, sought-after motivational keynote speaker and personal growth expert who works with people and groups of all kinds. Robbins is the author of the best-selling books Focus on the Good Stuff and Be Yourself: Everyone Else Is Already Taken. He and his work have been featured on ABC News, in Forbes, Ladies Home Journal, Self and many others.


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