
Photo: Ben Rose

This group of early risers lined up outside the Georgia World Congress Center before the doors opened.

Lisa Ling

Photo: George Burns

In her opening remarks, Lisa Ling, host of Our America with Lisa Ling, encouraged attendees to take action to change the world.

Dr. Oz

Photo: Ben Rose

Dr. Oz and Dance Fitness Guru and choreographer Stepp Stewart demonstrate a simple dance routine that gets the blood flowing and your heart pumping.

Suze Orman

Photo: George Burns

“You should want to give to yourself as much as you want to give of yourself,” Suze Orman tells the crowd.

Book Line

Photo: Ben Rose

O You! attendees cheerfully wait in line to get their books signed by Suze Orman.

Peter Walsh

Photo: Ben Rose

Organizing expert Peter Walsh signs a copy of his book Enough Already! for an excited fan.

Gayle King

Photo: Ben Rose

The lovely Gayle King joins fans at the OWN booth.


Photo: Ben Rose

O fans pose for pictures during You! Time at the Georgia World Congress Center.

Bob Greene

Photo: Ben Rose

Bob Greene speaks with women about their personal weight-loss journeys using his signature methods.

O Experts

Photo: Ben Rose

During the closing session, O’s experts take turns revealing what they know for sure.


Photo: Ben Rose

It’s Oprah! Missed her closing speech about what she knows for sure? You can watch it now.