Marya Rutherford provides winter clothes for children in Dayton, Ohio.

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When Marya Rutherford receives the Pay It Forward challenge, cold winter weather is just around the corner in her hometown of Dayton, Ohio. There's no doubt in her mind about who could really benefit from her donation.

As vice president of community reinvestment at National City Bank, Marya understands that investing in her city can be rewarding for all its citizens. In addition, she serves as a minister at Phillips Temple CME Church, and she sees some of the area's neediest families up close. According to the directors of "His Kids", a youth outreach program at the church, many of the children come in with colds during the winter because they don't have proper outerwear.

Marya's mission is to outfit every child who is a part of "His Kids" with a new warm coat, hat and gloves. Phillips Temple then matches her donation with another $1,000! Marya thoroughly enjoys the experience and hopes that Oprah continues the Pay It Forward Challenge. "I don't believe that there are any coincidences, and I believe one of the gifts that God gave you is your ability to give. So I encourage you to continue to do things like this and to see exponentially how you could change the world."