Live Your Passion
Step 2: Create a Mission Statement
Don't worry, your mission statement can change as your dream or passion changes and grows. This is not set in stone—you can revise the plan again and again until that dream becomes a reality.
Creating your dream is a journey that could take a day, a week, a month, a year or a lifetime. Once you are clear about what you want to accomplish, writing a mission statement will help you define, articulate and solidify your ambition and passion.
My dream statement reads: "My dream is very simple—to create products and share ideas that celebrate the people and moments that make life a gift."
Actually sit down and write and rewrite a mission statement until it reflects what is in your heart. This activity will be both fun and challenging. Take your time in getting your statement to really reflect what's in your heart. This activity will urge you to be specific and to define your dream.
Write a step-by-step plan
Creating your dream is a journey that could take a day, a week, a month, a year or a lifetime. Once you are clear about what you want to accomplish, writing a mission statement will help you define, articulate and solidify your ambition and passion.
My dream statement reads: "My dream is very simple—to create products and share ideas that celebrate the people and moments that make life a gift."
Actually sit down and write and rewrite a mission statement until it reflects what is in your heart. This activity will be both fun and challenging. Take your time in getting your statement to really reflect what's in your heart. This activity will urge you to be specific and to define your dream.
Write a step-by-step plan