8 Surprising Things That'll Make You Wildly Successful
We know, we know. Never stop learning. Set goals. Never fear failure. Get grit. Give. But what achievement enhancers don't we expect?
By Jena Pincott
One Brain-Boosting Germ
We all know that outdoor time can do wonders for our performance. But there's a surprising new reason: a bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae, which lurks in the soil. When biologists Dorothy Matthews and Susan Jenks fed this single-celled bugger to lab mice, the animals became calmer and navigated mazes twice as quickly as those that weren't exposed—an edge that lasted more than a week. The bacteria, which are often inhaled when we are in contact with dirt (gardening is one potential route), influence the "gut-brain" axis and stimulate neuron growth. (Matthews and Jenks found evidence that the new neurons produce the anti-anxiety neurotransmitter serotonin.) While research is under way on how M. vaccae may similarly retune our brains, consider trekking your way to the top.
Published 09/30/2013