Dr. Oz meets Dr. Dan Bell and his wife, Suzie Bell.
Everyday heroes don't always make headlines. Some aren't strong, brave or even old enough to drive, but these men, women and children step up when times are tough.

Along with People magazine, Oprah's celebrating random acts of kindness and saluting those who take the time to help neighbors, strangers and single moms.

In Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Dr. Oz meets one couple who's doing just that.

When their small, working-class town was hit hard by the country's economic crisis, Dr. Dan Bell and his wife, Suzie, made it their mission to make sure everyone in their community had access to free healthcare. Soon after, they started the ECHO Health Clinic.

Watch Dr. Oz's visit to ECHO Health Clinic. Watch

"We were looking at how you really live your faith," Dr. Bell says. "We're at the age where you're looking at, 'Are you doing all you can do with your life and finishing strong?'"
Dr. Dan Bell treats patients at ECHO Health Clinic.
Twice a month, Dr. Bell, Suzie and a staff of 250 dedicated volunteers transform a church gymnasium into a full-service medical center. At ECHO Health Clinic, patients have access to private exam rooms, a makeshift pharmacy, free meals and a triage area, which offers immediate care to those in need.

"From medical care and counseling to serving up a hot meal, everyone is made to feel at home," Dr. Oz says. "There's sort of a unity of spirit that I feel when I'm here. And, you know, it's not high tech, but it's high touch."

Jeff, one of 46 million Americans without health insurance, tells Dr. Oz he wouldn't be able to afford his diabetes and neuropathy medications without access to ECHO.

"If this clinic wasn't here, what would you do?" Dr. Oz asks.

"Probably fall through the cracks," Jeff says.
Dr. Dan Bell praises his community.
Many may consider Dr. Bell and Suzie heroes, but they say their community deserves all the credit.

"We're only about 2,000 [people]. We don't even have a stoplight, but yet, we have a place that people can come and get care," Dr. Bell says. "To me, that's heroic."

Suzie says something magical happens when a community comes together. "We sit down, we eat, we break bread together," she says. "We are able to just commune and connect as human beings."
Hal Colston, founder of the Good News Garage
The next time you see a stalled car on the side of the road, take a moment to consider the person who had to leave it behind.

"We see the broken-down cars on the highway when we're driving, and [think], 'Oh God, it's going to hold up traffic,'" Oprah says. "But that is somebody's life."

Without a way to get to work, these drivers run the risk of losing their jobs and falling farther behind financially. This is where Hal Colston steps in.

In 1996, Hal founded the Good News Garage in Burlington, Vermont, to help men and women with car troubles. "In so many ways, people are just a repair bill away from disaster. The car dies, they lose their job, and they just spiral out of control," he says. "I wanted to do something about this."
Hal Colston gives car keys to Dylan, a single mom.
At the Good News Garage, the motto is "donate a car, change a life," and since 1996, Hal and his team have changed the lives of more than 3,500 people. "It's a win-win situation. The donor gets a tax write-off from donating," he says. "And the recipient gets a car that they now can afford."

Watch Hal and his team at work. Watch

Before donated cars go back on the road, a staff of mechanics assesses the vehicles and makes repairs. Then, they're sold at a reduced rate to people in need—80 percent of which are single moms.

Thanks to Hal's community garage, Dylan, a single mom who says she needs a car to go to job interviews and pick up her daughter from school, pays just $134 for a reconditioned sedan. "I'm so excited, I have to hug you," she says. "You guys are just amazing."
Hal Colston says a car can transform a person's life.
Hal says a car can transform a person's life almost instantly. "They can get connected with the community."

How does he decide who gets a car? Hal says his team considers many factors before handing over the keys. "We have a priority list. We look at size of the family," he says. "[We ask]: 'Are they near public transportation? Are they at work? Do they need to get to a job?'" Hal says there are usually about 50 people waiting to get a vehicle from Good News Garage.

Every recipient must pay a little something for his or her car, but Hal says the amount depends on the person's financial situation. The "reach-up program" asks a person to pay a few hundred dollars for car repairs, taxes and the cost of getting it on the road. If you're in the "jump-start program," you'll pay no more than half the book value of the vehicle.
Rick Hendrick donates 10 cars to Hal Colston's Good News Garage.
When Rick Hendrick, an automotive dealer from Charlotte, North Carolina, heard about Hal's heroic deeds at the Good News Garage, he contacted Oprah Show producers and offered to help.

"HendrickCars.com wants to pitch in," he says. To help a few families get back on the road, Rick donates ten 2008 Chevy Impalas! "They all get 29 miles to the gallon. They've got 100,000-mile warranties. They've all been serviced," he says. "They're certified, so there's no maintenance."

In addition to the ten cars, Rick and his team want to buy gas for each car...for one year. "Hal, you've done an amazing job," Rick says. "You're an inspiration to all of us. Just keep up the good work."
Dale Dunning makes soup for those in need.
If you don't have the means to donate money or a car, a small gesture may make a big difference to those facing tough economic times. As Dale Dunning, a woman from Lewes, Delaware, can attest, a hot cup of soup helps warm hearts.

Armed with a slow cooker and ladle, Dale, the founder of Jusst Sooup Ministry, dishes up more than 900 quarts of free soup each week.

In the past 11 years, Dale says she's handed out more than 65,000 bowls of soup to hungry members of the community.
Von Dallas Gigrich and his wife help heat homes.
Von "Dallas" Gigrich, an everyday hero from Lake Forest Park, Washington, is warming hearts in his own way.

Dallas runs a company that removes old oil tanks from homes, and one day, he and his wife, Randi, thought of a way to give their business a higher purpose. They decided to donate the leftover oil in the tanks to families who couldn't afford to heat their homes.

This idea evolved into HEAT, a nonprofit organization that Dallas says he funds out of his salary. Thanks to HEAT, more than 200 homes stay warm every winter.
Tracy Orr almost lost her home to foreclosure.
Home foreclosure auctions are a sad reality of the financial crisis. Some people may walk away with a great deal, while others leave without a place to call home.

In 2008, Tracy Orr went to a foreclosure auction in Dallas, Texas, to say a farewell to the home she shared with her daughter. Tracy says she got behind on her mortgage payments after she lost her job, and her home was put on the auction block.

Moments before the bidding was set to begin, a local news crew filmed Tracy as she wiped away tears. Then, a woman approached Tracy and asked her what was wrong. This woman, Marilyn Mock, would later become known as the "foreclosure angel."
Marilyn Mock and Tracy Orr
After Tracy explained her situation, Marilyn walked into the auction and started bidding on Tracy's home. She paid nearly $30,000 for it.

Then, Marilyn turned around and gave the home back to Tracy and her family. Why did she do it? "Whatever it was and wherever it was, it meant everything to her," Marilyn says. "You could just tell it."

Though she didn't have $30,000 to spare, Marilyn says she, like many women, can always figure out how to come up with the money if she really wants something. "There's always a way to do it," she says. "I had a dump truck, so I took the title in and got a loan against the dump truck to pay for a house."
Marilyn Mock and Tracy Orr
Since the home auction, Marilyn and Tracy have become close friends, and Marilyn has been inspired to help save more homes through her organization, Foreclosure Angels.

So far, Marilyn says she's been able to help four other homeowners and has received more than 10,000 requests for assistance. "Most of the people, they only need maybe $600 to maybe $2,000 to keep their house," she says. "They don't need a lot."

These days, Tracy says she's financially stable, employed and forever grateful for the kindness of strangers.
Tim Nicolai, and his wife, Nancy, at the Arena Motel
In 2004, Tim Nicolai, and his wife, Nancy, bought a 26-room motel in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Tim, a former steel worker, says he was looking for a calm place to retire...but he never expected to be hailed as a hero.

A few months after Tim and Nancy took ownership of the Arena Motel, he says a homeless mother and daughter came there looking for a warm place to sleep. "We had rooms available, and she didn't have a roof over her head," he says. "We gave her a place to restart her life, and that's where it all began."

Since then, Tim and Nancy say they have given shelter and free meals to hundreds of people in need. Some stay for free, while others pay what they can. "We're on a mission here," Tim says. "The mission is to make people's lives better."
After being evicted, Lorenzo and his family are staying at the Arena Motel.
One room at the Arena Motel is occupied by Lorenzo, Melissa and their four children. Lorenzo says his family was evicted from their home, and without Tim and Nancy's help, they'd be sleeping in their van.

"Having a room for us means a better quality of life because we're together. I really do appreciate Tim," Lorenzo says. "He's basically welcoming us in and opening his doors to my family."

When Heather showed up at the Arena Motel a year ago with her four kids, she had no job, no car and nowhere to go. Tim helped Heather by hiring her as the motel's housekeeper.

Tim says he and Nancy aren't looking for a reward or recognition. "What we're really looking for is the satisfaction of knowing that we made somebody else's life better," he says.
Mary Marzano donates sheets to homeless shelters.
A natural disaster inspired Mary Marzano, a woman from Maplewood, New Jersey, to reach out and help others, but after the relief efforts ended, her efforts continued.

When Mary found out from a friend that many hotels throw away gently used pillows, blankets and sheets, she took action. Mary began shipping out these sheets to places in need, including homeless shelters with little to no bedding.

So far, she says she's personally delivered enough comfortable covers for more than 8,000 beds. To help out, all 340 members of Oprah's audience brought along a set of sheets to donate to Mary's organization, Green Recoverings.
Dr. Dan Bell on how to start giving back
If you're inspired to start giving back, our everyday heroes say you only need two things to get started—determination and passion.

"You see the need, you see what you can bring to the need, and then you just give it a go," Dr. Bell says. "If it's meant to be, it's going to happen, and it will usually go better than you ever dreamed."

Hal says volunteers must learn how to do with, versus doing for. "It's not about saving and rescuing people," he says. "It's about helping people accomplish their dreams and goals."

Find out how you can help these organizations.

Meet three young heroes who are taking action! Watch
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