What does it mean to restore yourself? We're not talking about quick-fix de-stressers—the chocolate, the remote, the tub. We're not even talking about stress per se but rather the need to come home to your self, to refresh and revive. That might mean reclaiming your focus, gaining calm confidence, or pulling yourself out of a well-worn rut.

To help you identify what's making you feel less than a hundred percent—either occasionally or chronically—we called on four fresh thinkers: "cowboy therapist" Wyatt Webb (It's Not About the Horse), psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum (The Emotional Energy Factor), psychologist Jay Carter (Nasty People), and performance psychologist Jim Loehr (The Power of Full Engagement, with Tony Schwartz), who spent over 20 years training professional athletes and now teaches winning strategies to corporate clients at LGE Performance Systems in Orlando.

For each of the five conditions that follow, our experts suggest practical, realistic changes—in both your habits and thinking—that can put you in peak form.

Next: Are you scattered?


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