Deepak Chopra: 4 Questions to Stop Asking Yourself
"What's going to happen?"
This concerns dread about the future. It's about lack of trust. In life, you will never know what is going to happen. Any attempt at a response is futile, since this, too, is a self-defeating question. Instead, you need to live in the present. Realize that the future is not only unknown to you—it is unknowable to anyone no matter how much you worry. Therefore, you are worrying about a phantom; fear is piling on hypothetical possibilities and worst-case scenarios. They vanish only when you place your attention on the here and now.
"How will I ever get out of this?"
This question comes from a feeling of being trapped. To end that feeling, you must make space for creativity. It is self-defeating to block your creative juices with an obsessive repetition of doubt. Solutions don't come from panic. They come when you reframe the situation you are trapped in. Instead of seeing it as a prison, see it as a chance to prove that you are capable of meeting reality head-on. By clearing away the fear, you open a channel for new solutions to appear.
"Where will the money come from?"
On the surface, this is about finances. But beneath that, this question comes from the feeling that your life can be taken away from you. You think that money protects you from total loss of control and if there isn't enough of it, unseen forces will overwhelm you. Rather than tackling the money issue, it's time to create a safe place inside you. The first step is to see that money isn't going to make you safe (unless, of course, you lack the basic necessities of food and shelter). A prudent amount of money is undeniably a safeguard, but a sense of lack is psychological. You will feel safe inside not when you have enough money, but when you can say "I am enough."
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