6. I now talk about ways to "increase my appetite for life." If you want to be a slim, healthy person, it's essential you swap the pleasure of food with life's multitudinous other delights. If you want to lose weight, you must make sure your appetite for life is far bigger than your appetite for mere food.

How do you increase your appetite for life? Stop allowing yourself to focus on depressing life circumstances, which only leads you to feeling bummed and wanting to pig out. Instead, consciously focus on happy life circumstances you enjoy doing, and create more of them! Swap chips and salsa for salsa classes! Stop eating cake, and start painting fruit baskets! Recognize how the joy of taking photos lasts longer than the joy of ice cream!

7. I recognize when I'm "do-it-ing" to become my slimmest, I'm not merely looking to create "a better number on my scale." I'm looking to permanently adjust my "masochistic equilibrium level." Each of us grew up feeling comfy with a certain level of happiness. When this happiness concentration shifts, even if it's upward to feeling incredible gargantuan happiness, then a lot of us feel twitchy and overeat, thereby raising our weight upward so as to lower our self-love, so as to lower our happiness, which reverts us to our familiar "masochistic equilibrium level" leftover from childhood.

If you want to get and stay at your slimmest weight, you must be ready to throw out these old childhood leftovers. When you're truly ready to be happy in life, then you're truly ready to be happy about your weight.

Do you think changing the way you talk about food and dieting can change your weight? Have you ever tried positive, personal affirmation as a way to lose weight? Share your tips!

Karen Salmansohn is a best-selling author known for creating self-help for people who wouldn't be caught dead reading self-help. Get more information on finding a loving happier-ever-after relationship in her book Prince Harming Syndrome .

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