Breathing Space: March
Photograph by Sara Massa
Furnas, Portugal
Peacefulness, hope and lots of freshness and joy.
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Want to share your pictures with us? Upload your nature-inspired images
Photograph by Shauna Kenworthy
Strathmore, Alberta, Canada
A sure and very welcome sign of spring: an American robin. I watched it hop around my lawn looking for worms, and when it flew onto my fence, I took the picture. After I downloaded it onto my computer, I noticed that it only has one leg. A wonderful example of strength under adversity!
What do you love about spring? Send us your favorite photos!
What do you love about spring? Send us your favorite photos!
Photograph by Anesta Charles-Aubame
This beautiful snapshot of the beach and sky in Tobago. With such striking hues of blue, it looks so calm. It just makes me feel like being there 24/7.
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Want to share your pictures with us? Upload them now!
Photograph by Courtney Mansell
Lake Tahoe, California
We hiked to this "snow melt" lake while camping at Wright's Lake near South Lake Tahoe. This place truly allowed me to reflect on the now and the amazing miracle of nature.
Are you a good photographer? Show us your favorite photos of spring
Are you a good photographer? Show us your favorite photos of spring
Photograph by Melody Alderman
Wicklow County Bray, Ireland
I took this is a picture in 2009 of my favorite quiet spot in the entire world. It's a picnic bench overlooking the ocean in Wicklow County Bray in Ireland. I can not imagine a more healing or divine inspiring place to be. Whenever I'm sad, I close my eyes and transport myself there.
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Want to share your pictures with us? Upload your images
Photograph by John Robinson
Ewing, New Jersey
Photograph by Angie Rohrabaugh
Cumberland Falls State Park, Kentucky
You can definitely breathe here! You can slow down and enjoy many wonders of nature, from the breathtaking waterfall to the magnificent trees to the raccoon family living behind the lodge. A place to escape the rat race and enjoy the many wonders of nature.
Ready for spring? Show us your best pictures
Ready for spring? Show us your best pictures
Photograph by David Chan
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
We looked at this view in front of our beach house for the past two years. The beauty is breathtaking. It looks and feels like a paradise. But paradise is also where the heart is, and that can simply be where ever you may be.
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Are you a great photographer? We want to see!
Photograph by Merel van der Wilden
Beijing, China
Lotus flowers are so beautiful. This picture was made by holding the camera over a lotus plant. I couldn't really see what I was doing, but the result made me very happy. The colors are magnificent.
What's your favorite place to be in the springtime? Share it with us
What's your favorite place to be in the springtime? Share it with us
Photograph by Anna Maria Sigurdardottir
Breidafjordur Islands
The view from my grandmother's kitchen window. The sunsets there are endless amazements, and this picture is one of thousands taken there. It was taken 20 minutes before midnight on July 11, 2009, and faces north. Enjoy!
Capture nature scenes on your camera and share them with us!
Capture nature scenes on your camera and share them with us!
Photograph by Connie Melchiorre Hardy
Tacoma, Washington
The flight of the bald eagle is so beautiful and so spirited. It humbles the heart and soul and gives me great respect for the beauty of nature.
Have a favorite place to be outdoors? Share your photos with us
Have a favorite place to be outdoors? Share your photos with us
Photograph by Kelly Creamer
London, Ohio
I took this picture of the sunset right outside my window. We live in a 100-year-old farmhouse that sits on 400-plus acres of prime farmland in Madison County, Ohio, (the largest agricultural county in Ohio) where the sky is like a constant major motion picture. Sun up to sun down, the sky tells different story every day.
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Share your beautiful spring-inspired photos with us
Photograph by Debi Edwards
St. Petersburg, Florida
I smile when I step outside and see an orchid in bloom on my orchid tree.
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Upload your favorite photos now
Photograph by Janet Cohen
Entrance to the Tracy Arm Fjord at daybreak in Alaska, summer 2008. Where does the glacier end and the reflection begin?
Spring is in the air! Show us your unique pictures
Spring is in the air! Show us your unique pictures
Photograph by Christine Jolley
Raja Phraba Lake, Thailand
Photograph by Tatiana Samuel
Beagle Channel, Ushuaia, Argentina
This is the sun setting behind the mountains with such beautiful colors of red and purple and blues and pinks and yellows. They make you just want to pause at that moment, take a deep breath and soak in all those rays of color. I felt very calm and at peace while taking this photo.
Where's the most serene place you've been? Share images with us
Where's the most serene place you've been? Share images with us
Photograph by J. Michael Christophe
St. Paul, Minnesota
I call this "Diamonds Are Forever." Amazing beauty is all around us at every moment. Simple morning dew upon canna leaves facing the morning sunlight are truly jewels to behold. Also a nice place to have your morning java.
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Share your calm with us! Upload your images today
Photograph by Shauna Kenworthy
Strathmore, Alberta, Canada
The center of a purple anemone in full bloom—a gorgeous reminder that spring is on its way.
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Have a serene escape? Upload your photos now
Photograph by Lisa Ghiozzi
Osprey Cay, Bahamas
I am in love with the ocean; this beach was heaven on Earth.
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Ready for spring? Share your photos on!
Photograph by Kim Marie Selig
Sanibel Island, Florida
While on our honeymoon in September 2009 on Sanibel Island, Florida, my husband and I decided to explore a nearby nature walk. We were pleasantly surprised to see many beautiful butterflies all around us. I was able to capture this gorgeous monarch just as she landed.
Where's your favorite place outdoors? Share it with us
Where's your favorite place outdoors? Share it with us
Published 03/01/2010