Abena Bempah, a nurse, captures a beautiful picture of herself, using a tripod, when traveling solo in Turkey.

Elvira Hoby traveled to Madagascar alone to see the legendary baobab trees for herself.

Writer Jasmine Williams fulfilled one of her bucket list goals when she visited Santorini, one of the stops on her 32-day backpacking trip. She describes solo travel as "something that's 100 percent for me and no one else."

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Ajsel Jaho describes the beach in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, as her "idea of comfort zone." She showcases her adventures as @soloistabroad on Instagram.

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The Nyemo Valley in Tibet was alive with color during Liliya Poludnenko's visit.

Rebecca O. La Banca sits on the edge of a cliff in this stunning shot of Serra dos Órgãos National Park in Brazil.

@joyjoytotheworld was able to catch the Louvre during a rare moment with no other people around.

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For blogger Brigid Babeesh, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe was "100 times more beautiful in person" after seeing it on a solo trip through southern Africa.

Poet and photographer Anne C. Imakumbili writes that the afternoon she spent by herself at the Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum was "one of [her] favorite moments in Berlin."

The hashtag #alonebutnotlonely on Margarita Pas' photo from Honda Bay Island in the Philippines sums up solo travel perfectly.

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Sabrina Must writes that traveling alone—on trips like the one she took to Lake Atitlán in Guatemala—is "the greatest opportunity for self-discovery."

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Julie O, a model and the blogger behind Frame Ambition, shares her first view of Cape Town after a 31-hour solo train journey to get there.

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