The birth of my grandson has connected me deeply and vividly to my ancestors across the divide of time. I look into Will's eyes and see my parents and grandparents—even though they are no longer with us. Somehow, I miss them less, seeing them in Will.

Mother Teresa said, "The problem with our world is that we draw the circle of family too small." It appears that grandchildren, as tiny as they may be, have mighty powers of expanding circles and connecting people across bloodline and generations. Noting the graceful shape of Will's little fingers, I recognize my ex-husband's beautiful hands and I feel a renewed bond with him and his parents, and their parents. And often when he flashes his crooked little smile, I see my daughter-in-law's father—Will's other grandfather. Now I understand that we are truly family —all the ancestors, all the grandparents, all the uncles and aunts and cousins on all sides. Will's birth even has magical powers associated with it: my husband—stepfather to my sons—has become a full-blooded grandfather! He says he took one look at Will and threw the whole step-grandpa thing out the window.


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