What you'll need: Five undisturbed minutes. Choose a quiet place where you feel comfortable. For example, sit in the backyard or in a park (or on a bus stop bench, if that's all you have). It doesn't matter where you are, as long as it's an environment that puts you at ease.

Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. After a few deep breaths, focus on clearing out your "icky" energy. Take a minute and ask any negative energy that's hanging around to hit the road. Continue to breathe. Notice your breath start to slow down and become a steady flow of inhales and exhales.


For the next five minutes, try quieting your mind chatter. Stop thinking about what you're going to do as soon as this exercise is over, how you're going to meet your work deadlines or what you're going to make for dinner. Release thoughts about yesterday or last week or last year. The goal here is to stop thinking about the past or the future and to learn what it feels like to be present.


Let your worries and anxiety drift away.

Sit in this place of stillness for as long as feels right for you.

Rebecca Rosen has served as a bridge between this world and those who have crossed over to the other side for the past 10 years. Her work has led to many guest appearances, including Entertainment Tonight, The Rachael Ray Show and Nightline, and her first book, Spirited: Connect to the Guides All Around You (HarperCollins). Due to the high and growing demand for spiritual truth, she has committed herself full time to serving as a medium and also educates thousands of people around the country with her seminars, lectures and workshops. Learn more about Rebecca by visiting her website.

Keep Reading:
Develop your clair senses
How Rebecca Rosen connected with the other side
What is a medium?


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