What's your story?
I love to read autobiographies. Each page is filled with the details, accounts, adventures, ups, downs and dreams of another person's life. Sometimes I am in awe of the life someone has lived and the choices they have made; other times I am heartbroken and learn valuable lessons from the paths taken and consequences gathered.

We each have a story to tell. Each one of our lives has unfolded in our own unique and original way. Our lives are made up of moments, people, places, experiences, days, plans, accidents and goals. Each life is important and a gift. Documenting our lives with our stories is a way to treasure and share them.

This week, we will spend time writing down our own stories, using our memory to recall and recount who we are, where we come from and what and who matters to us. There are lessons to be learned from our lives as we write about ourselves. Patterns will emerge and themes will rise up, giving us the opportunity to look at ourselves in a new and transformative way.

This week, you will become the storyteller of your life. You don't need to be a "writer" to complete this week's assignment. You just need to be honest and open with yourself. It doesn't matter if you spell everything correctly or punctuate perfectly. The content and the stories you tell are at the heart of this week's adventure.

This is your story. Honor it, learn from it, share it, embrace it, celebrate it and allow it to take you to the places you long for.

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